16 October 2007


I have found lots of lovely posts on some of the other blogs I visit and I wanted to share some with you, my dear friends.

Here is one that I really like.  I found it at Cherish the Home.

"It was not easy to arise a whole hour earlier in the morning than she was accustomed to do, and, when Elsie looked out of her window on a gray day with sullen clouds in the background, she sighed and wondered whether after all she had not made a terrible mistake.  Somehow in the gray of the cold early morning the little rose room in its daintiness did not make its appeal as it did in the brightness of day or of electric light.

Nevertheless, she managed to keep her face cheerful and make the breakfast a pleasant time to remember as each went his way for the day; and when she had finally seated herself in the trolley, she was able to smile clear down into her heart and look at things bravely."

May you be blessed as you spend your days cheerfully!



PS.  You can view the original here.


Kelli said...

Mrs B at Cherish the Home almost always has an inspiring post and/or gives you something to think about! Thanks for sharing this lovely quotation.
~ Kelleigh

MissNZ said...

Thank you Kelleigh...I enjoy Mrs. B's blog!